• Dance Pole for home recommendations

    Сообщение от Anastasiya K on 26 ноября, 2023 at 2:19 дп


    Where can I find information what dance poles are a good quality for home usage? How to choose? Looking for few days already and feel that I am lost and have no idea.

    One of the websites recommends to choose between Lupit or X-Pole. What is the difference between two of them? Lupit poles are much more expensive, the question is it expensive and higher quality? Or just because of a brand?

    Thank you in advance 🤗

    Alžběta Bedáňová ответил 6 месяцев назад 2 участника · 1 ответ
  • 1 ответ
  • Alžběta Bedáňová

    28 ноября, 2023 at 4:45 дп

    Hello Anastasiya,

    I have the same problem 🙂 trying to choose between Lupit and X-pole. I want to buy my own pole next year spring, so I’m trying to get more information about for-home poles.

    I will probably buy X-pole, it’s cheaper and they offer poles with the smallest grip (40 mm) – I have really small hands (like child 😀 ) so I would appreciate it. I have experience with bigger grip poles (50 mm – terrible, 45 mm – it’s ok, but smaller would be better).

    I have several friends owning home pole, some have Lupit, some have X-pole and everybody’s happy with their choice. I looked on the other features of these two brands and both offer poles with the same surface type (chrome, varnished…) and the static/spin mechanism looks similar, too.

    So, for me, the grip and the price will be decisive 🙂



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